Monday, 27 February 2017

Taking Visualization a Step Further with Tableau

Tableau is a Business Intelligence tool for visually analysing the data. Users can create and distribute interactive and shareable dashboards which depict the trends, variations and density of the data in form of graphs and charts. Tableau can connect to files, relational and Big data sources to acquire and process data. The software allows data blending and real time collaboration, which makes it very unique. It is used by businesses, academic researchers and many governments to do visual data analysis. It is also positioned as a leader Business Intelligence and Analytics Platform in Gartner Magic Quadrant.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Visualising with Seaborn

Seaborn is a visualization library for making attractive and informative statistical graphics in Python. It is built on top of matplotlib and tightly integrated with the PyData stack, including support for numpy and panda data structures and statistical routines from SciPy and statsmodels.

HTML Iframes


HTML Iframes


HTML Iframes


HTML Iframes


HTML Iframes


HTML Iframes


Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Connecting to Your Data with Tableau

In this post, we will explore some data from the General Social Survey. The General Social Survey is an NSF-funded survey, interviewing more than 50,000 Americans over nearly 3 decades. Survey questions cover topics ranging from political, to economic, to educational and more. We will be taking premarital sex into consideration.

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Playing Around with Google Charts

In this post, I'll be trying my hand at creating a basic Google Chart.

I'm plotting a pie chart depicting the toppings that I like to have on a pizza.

googleVis - Google Charts & R


The googleVis package provides an interface between R and the Google's charts tools. It allows users to create web pages with interactive charts based on R data frames. The resultant charts are displayed locally via the R HTTP help server and have to be viewed on a browser.

I'm working with this spreadsheet that has some data on milk production in Indian states.

Data: StateMilk • Chart ID: GeoChartID216b4a75f4f6googleVis-0.6.2
R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) • Google Terms of UseDocumentation and Data Policy